I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Funding my study

It’s early morning and I’m sitting at the computer with my cup of coffee. When the internet is connected, I check my e-mail and then log onto Sitemeter to check my stats.

It’s still early, I think, so no one hasn’t read any of my ramblings for the day.

What comes next surprises me.

On a good day, my daily readers max out at eight. This morning, they’re in the middle triple digits. It’s not even 10 a.m. What the fuck is going on? Who found my site? Did someone find my X-tube video?

When I click onto the referral page, I see one link coming up, again and again: a discussion board on condom usage. As I scroll down the page, I see one person used my non-scientific study about ugly people (according to my study, non-models) getting more action than beautiful people as a reason for higher sexual activity amongst the non-models in society.

What really intrigued me was there were several other professionals who concurred with my "study" by saying it makes a good point, and although it’s not a study, per se, its argument is sound.

And, because of that, people were coming to Human Nature by the assload.

Now, the only thing left to do is to come up with another "study" group to see if I can get some (government - cha-ching) funding.


Blogger Unknown said...

hmm... i would have to see this study...

March 14, 2008 12:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh heh!

1) Someone seriously linked to your post as if it were a true scientific study even while admitting it wasn't a study at all? "Now, I know this is just some guys personal observations, and therefore anecdotal, but I think it's totally accurate and proves everything I've been saying. QED." Must have been a creationist site, LOL!

2) Concurred. (I'm not normally a grammer/spelling queen, but that one's important.)

All that said, you should totally do a new "study" every week. I think you could totally influence conventional wisdom!

March 14, 2008 11:43 am  
Blogger A Lewis said...

"Assload"? I'm going to have to go and Google that one. Warm weekend to you.

March 14, 2008 11:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have an xtube posting? What's the link.. you're well spoken and well written, but being gay, we want to see the flesh in action to!!

March 16, 2008 7:58 am  
Blogger R said...

And for me, it's putting things like "Underwear Fetish" in the post title that draws the droves.

As an average looking guy, I liked your "study" and would hope that it is true.

March 16, 2008 2:32 pm  

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