Shut up and sit your ass down
He has the world in the palm of his hand. There is an indescribable energy that radiates from him. From his chiseled jawline, to his mega-watt smile and crisp, blue eyes, makes him one of the most handsome men in the room. The attraction is obvious. Many want to be around him. Many others want to be him.
Then, he opens his mouth.
At first, you listen and nod your head, wanting him to think that you agree with his opinions on many subjects. Mental health. Religion. But, it isn't long that you start to wonder why people like him. The list begins to grow in your head.
He's arrogant and ignorant. Thinking that you are the smartest person in the room doens't make you so. You don't have all of the answers. You don't even have half of the answers. Do your research. Confidence without intelligence is arrogance.
He's fearful and frightening. Wondering how he has any close relationships makes your head spin. You feel compassionate for those around him - family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, former wives and current girlfriends. Everyone around him has Stockholm Syndrome. Instilling fear into the hearts of others makes you weak.
He's everything and nothing. Scaling the side of a mountain, driving a fast car or motorcycle, or swishing a giant samurai sword (while finding your inner peace) doesn't make you Superman. You're not everyman. You're not a man, at all. You're a stereotype. A cliche.
You wonder why you listen to anything he says. Part of you wishes he would sit down and shut up. We don't need to hear you. We don't care what you have to say. Just stand where you are and don't say a word. You're so much more attractive that way.
Then, he opens his mouth.
At first, you listen and nod your head, wanting him to think that you agree with his opinions on many subjects. Mental health. Religion. But, it isn't long that you start to wonder why people like him. The list begins to grow in your head.
He's arrogant and ignorant. Thinking that you are the smartest person in the room doens't make you so. You don't have all of the answers. You don't even have half of the answers. Do your research. Confidence without intelligence is arrogance.
He's fearful and frightening. Wondering how he has any close relationships makes your head spin. You feel compassionate for those around him - family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, former wives and current girlfriends. Everyone around him has Stockholm Syndrome. Instilling fear into the hearts of others makes you weak.
He's everything and nothing. Scaling the side of a mountain, driving a fast car or motorcycle, or swishing a giant samurai sword (while finding your inner peace) doesn't make you Superman. You're not everyman. You're not a man, at all. You're a stereotype. A cliche.
You wonder why you listen to anything he says. Part of you wishes he would sit down and shut up. We don't need to hear you. We don't care what you have to say. Just stand where you are and don't say a word. You're so much more attractive that way.