Me... (pt. 2)
- Associates himself with his name
- Feels like he could never be a Mike, John, Peter, Dave or Andrew
- Will correct you if you call him Steve
- Will not answer you if you call him Steve more than once
- Is not kidding with 3 and 4
- Likes that people can’t make fun of his name because it doesn’t naturally rhyme with anything (Steven Peeven? Come fuckin’ on)
- Was a fat kid
- Had two chins, four stomach rolls, chubby cheeks, moobs and thighs that sparked when he walked
- Realized he was no longer fat when his thighs no longer rubbed against each other
- Hates it when people say he should gain weight (a.k.a. like when he was "young and innocent") because they believe fat = healthy
- Sometimes wishes he could just pack on 40 pounds to shut everyone up
- Knows he never will pack on 40 pounds just to piss everyone off
- Is the least photogenic person on the planet, but...
- Has grown into his looks
- Has accepted the fact that he will never look like anyone else, and that makes him special
- Spends little time in front of a mirror, unless he’s washing his hands
- Has very curly hair and hates it
- Has had red hair, orange hair (by mistake), blonde hair, black hair, various shades of brown
- Suffers from trichotillomania
- Had a patch of hair missing at the front of his head which took almost a year to completely grow back
you left off "likes long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and easy listening radio stations" -- was that on purpose?
Six Shooter: You forgot puppy dogs and cute babies.
WTB: You always want what you don't have (but, curly hair is way better than being bald).
Van: Kiss my ass.
Even Steven doesn't bug me (it's better than lopsided, or unilateral Steven).
I swear that I think we were friends as kids Peeven.
I hated how my thighs heated up when I wore cords in High School.
but so far ... those are all great qualities ...
And I've got you beat for #13
Knotty: My cords in high school had the inside thighs worn out (would they still be called cords if they're smooth?).
Also, I hated buying the whole "husky" sizes - an amusing euphamism for fat ass.
Weaven Steven. Bet you never thought of weaving at a loom…nude.
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