I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Me... (pt. 3)

  1. Has brown eyes, but...
  2. Always wanted dark green eyes, even though he hates dark green
  3. Can cross one of his eyes at a time
  4. Has full lips - all real
  5. Has full earlobes - all real
  6. Thought he could straighten his nose with a clothespin when he was young
  7. Has two dimples on his nose (that aren’t due to the clothespin situation mentioned above)
  8. Thinks the best part of his body are his thin ankles
  9. Thinks the worst part of his body are too many to mention
  10. Has told people he’s had work done (and knows a few people who actually believed it)
  11. Hates the sound of his voice
  12. Thinks his voice sounds like the love child of Fran Drescher and Gilbert Gottfried, but...
  13. Has an incredibly evil-sounding laugh
  14. Sings everywhere, but is not a singer
  15. Surprises people because his singing voice sounds nothing like his speaking voice
  16. Has a voice that goes up several octaves when singing (not on purpose)
  17. Knows of only one singer who can make the few hairs on the back of his neck stand up
  18. Starts to dance when he hears a familiar baseline
  19. Dances (cough) suggestively, so much that…
  20. Has been told he’s a brass pole away from being a stripper (he already has the sparkly short-shorts and the go-go boots)


Blogger Kevin said...

Just remember ... you can leave your hat on.

March 03, 2006 9:36 am  
Blogger S said...

Yes, I know that's the perfect stripper song.

But, Pour Some Sugar On Me (or any hair-whipping, rock song) works well in a pinch.

March 03, 2006 8:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is THAT where my go go boots went?

You've got big feet.

March 03, 2006 10:55 pm  
Blogger S said...

WTB: It's the good hair-raising singing, not the bad kind (ex: Justin Timberlake).

March 04, 2006 11:16 pm  

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