Recently, while going through my Facebook account, I noticed something was missing. Namely, some of my friends were missing. It wasn't they deleted their profile, it was they deleted me as their friend.
What the fuck is up with that? What the fuck did I do to have that happen? I surely can't piss someone off to that extent, rendering myself friendless, can I?Apparently, I can.
The first time it happened, it was with a friend I've known for several years. We went to school together, graduated and always kept in touch, even going out several times. When she got married, she spent more time with him (which is understandable, because he's her husband). But, it didn't take too long before she started cutting off people out of her life. I was one of them.
The second time it happened, it was with a friend who I knew for approximately a year. Things weren't bad, even though we weren't the best of friends (I only have a couple of best friends). After a while, he filtered through a sieve and his visibility became finite. When I'd write, I'd get no response. Then, I found out I was no longer on his friends list.
The third time it happened was with someone new in my life. Since we're always doing things together, it would make sense to be Facebook friends. I sent an invite and... it was declined.
Why would that happen? Who would do that to a friend? Then, I find out it's because I am reminiscent of an ex (which isn't my fault).
Being someone who is faithful to the idea of a friendship site, I only have people who are my friends on Facebook. I'm not one of those people who have 850 'friends' - this isn't MySpace. I actually talk, e-mail, or chat with my friends on a regular basis. So, you can imagine how I feel when a friend no longer considers me to be a friend, anymore. It hurts. A lot.
Friendship can be so fickle.